A First For My Kids

Last year, a group got together in our small town; the group is full of homeschoolers, and all we do is go to the playground. It’s a chance for the kids to play and the moms to chat for about an hour or so. Occasionally, we’ll plan a ‘field trip’, but it’s always really low-key.

One of the mom’s planned an ‘end of the year party’ this week at Chuck-E-Cheese. My kids were sooo excited! They had never been before. I was hesitant to go, as I haven’t been since I worked a summer day camp (I always hated Chuck-E-Cheese day!). But I made a sacrifice and went. The good news is, the place was virtually empty on a Tuesday morning during the school year! I gave my kids each 20 tokens and they had a blast! We even came home with 20 tokens to save for the next time (whenever that is).

Christopher went with Caleb so they could go really high.

Madeleine riding some sort of race horse game. No tickets from this one, so it wasn’t played again!

Caleb and Chuck-E-Cheese

Such an awesome time!

Have you taken your kids to Chuck-E-Cheese recently? What did you think? It hasn’t changed all that much in the 12 years since I’ve been!